What blight ganon are you

while playing The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild have you ever wondered what blight Ganon YOU would be? If so then this quiz should help(At least I hope it will)

There aren't too many questions(I hope). This probably won't be the only quiz I make so stay tuned to see if I make any you're interested in. And don't think I will only do ones for breath of the wild, I'll also do some for tears of the kingdom.

Created by: Hyrule warrior
  1. what fighting style do you like most
  2. what weapon would you use
  3. what element do you like the most
  4. which do you like more
  5. what is your favourite divine beast
  6. which blight ganon do you WANT to be
  7. do you like breath of the wild(just curious)
  8. which champion do you like the least
  9. which champion do you like the most
  10. what is your favourite blight Ganon

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Quiz topic: What blight ganon am I
