What Big Cat Are You?

Big cats are among the most amazing of animals on earth. They are the most advanced predators. With sharp claws and fangs, pretty and markings to hide themselves.

If you where one of these amazing animals, what would you be? A beautiful tiger with black stripes, or a graceful cheetah with spots, or a lion with his long mane?

Created by: Mountainstream
  1. What is your favorite activity below?
  2. In gym class, what test would you score highest on?
  3. What would you want to eat?
  4. What kind of pet would you like to own?
  5. What is your favorite color from the list below?
  6. Where would you want your dream home?
  7. What is your favorite animal?
  8. What is your favorite texture?
  9. What's your favorite school subject?
  10. What is your favorite kind of movie?

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Quiz topic: What Big Cat am I?