What Are You Like in School?

There will be 10 questions it will tell you what your like in school. It might not be true but at least it was fun for some people the quiz might be fun.

There are multiple options of what you could be. Some are good and some aren't as good as others hopefully for whoever takes the quiz it will be fun for all.

Created by: Rujay
  1. Do you get into trouble a lot?
  2. What are your scores like in test?
  3. Do you even like school?
  4. What your favourite subject?
  5. Do you go to school everyday?
  6. Do you like reading?
  7. What lunch do you get?
  8. If someone was cheating in a test, what would you do.
  9. Are you always prepared?
  10. How do you feel when schools over?

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Quiz topic: What am I Like in School?
