what aot character would date you?

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lemme me see papers papers PAPERS! UGH!!!!!!.... oh hi my name is Amyuia or amia idk find out butt anyways i really hope you likez this quiz because it took me all night to do this (fot) for ten questions

also if eren comes to your house or levi or armin you better be happy because if they picked me to be in the same squad hell yah i would join but i need to know how to fly with manver gear! bieeeeee

Created by: AnyuiaYeager of aot cover
(your link here more info)
  1. Eren: so if you joined the survey corps what would it be for?
  2. levi: what do you do on your time off??? pls say cleaning oh please!!
  3. Mikasa: would you protect eren with your heart soul life or even *looks around* you would stalk himmm
  4. armin: who is te hottest?Everyone: ARMIN IS A BIG BOIII NOW BECAUSE ONCE YOU HIT DAT BED WIT HIM NO MORE MR.SHY PANTS!!!Me: i am so sorry for this....
  5. Sasha: what is your favorite food??
  6. historia: who do you care for?
  7. Yimr: who do you care for *holds historia*LETS GET MARRIED BABY!!!!
  8. Jean: wuts your favorite color??
  9. Annie: whos your favorite person???everyone: hard thing to say annieee
  10. One more QUESTIONON!!!!! HOI HOIdid you like this quiz =3

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