What anime should you watch?

Hello, and welcome to my quiz! Here like the title says, you will find out what anime you should watch, if you don't know what anime is, anime is Japanese animated series or film, like other series or films, it has many genres, even some specific only for anime. Anime is commonly based on Manga , that is also Japanese, it is a comic book, but with a much wider range that classical western comics. Both manga and anime have a unique art style, different from other comics, kind of cartoony, but maybe with a hint of realistic looks, but don't let the cartoon like appearance fool you, anime can be for kids, teens and adults, often having a very deep meaning behind the story.
In this quiz I've picked out some popular shonen, action, fantasy and dark fantasy anime, you may be very well familiar with some if these titles, and even if no, they are all worth watching, so make sure to check them out! 😉