What animaniacs character are you?

Its time for animaniacs! And were Zany to the max. So just sit back and relax! You'll laugh till you collapse. Were Animaniacs! Come Join the Warner brothers. And the Warner sister, dot. Just for fun, we run around the Warner movie lot. They lock us in the tower, Whenever we get caught. But we break lose and then vamoose and now you now the plot.

Were animaniacs. Dot is cute, and Yakko yaks. Wakko packs away the snacks, while Bill Clinton plays the sax. Were animaniacs. Meet pinky and the brain who want to rule the universe. Good feathers flock together. Slappy wacks 'em with her purse. Buttons chases Mindy, while Rita sings a verse. The writers flipped. We have no script. Why bother to rehearse? Were animaniacs! We have play or pay contracts. Were zany to the max. There's bologna in our slacks. Were animan-y. Totally insan-y. Pinky and the Brain-y. Animaniacs! Those are the facts.

Created by: James
  1. What is in your wardrobe?
  2. Who is your favorite character?
  3. What is your worst habit?
  4. Favorite color. Go!
  5. You find a million dollars on the sidewalk. What do you do?
  6. Which version is your favorite?
  7. Which is your favorite character?
  8. Who is your least favorite character?
  9. French fries
  10. What do you think of this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What animaniacs character am I?
