What Animal Suits You?

This quiz is for you to determine which animal suits you the most. Be aware, its just for fun, don't flip out if you´re a dog person and get the cat results lol, its all good.

Click on the answers that resonate with you the most and that way it´ll determine your results. Take the quiz as many times you want to, there´s 4 different kinds of results to get.

Created by: catra of my website
(your link here more info)
  1. How would the atmosphere of a perfect day feel like?
  2. How are you in the morning?
  3. What vibe fits u the most?
  4. Do you like cuddling?
  5. Do you like water (ocean, lakes, rivers)?
  6. What kind of nature are you intrigued by the most?
  7. When someone pressures you into opening up, what do u do?
  8. When you're super busy but tired, do you try to finish the important chores?
  9. Last question, do you like going outside alone, listening to music/podcast, watching the nature or something like that?
  10. Actually, THIS is the last question lol. Are you a very cautious person?

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Quiz topic: What Animal suits me?
