What Animal is your Patronus? | Comments

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  • What Animal is your Patronus?
    Your Result: Your Patronus is a Snake. 76%

    Your Patronus is a snake. You share a Patronus with Voldemort. This shows that you don't care who you kill as long as you are happy. You are most likely evil or will turn out to be.

    14% Your Patronus is an Otter.
    12% Your Patronus is a cat.
    0% Your Patronus is a Horse.
    0% Your Patronus is a Goat.

    I Probally would have a snake or a soe rant creature

    But I belive in balance

    So no where near wanting in any way to be evil

    Snakes are wise and smart animals
    Not creul
    But good quiz

    Puppet master12


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