What animal are you

this will be a fun little quiz to figure out what animal you are and you will find out at the end of the quiz trust me it's a small Cruise so it won't take very long just 10 questions have fun.

the answers will be well actually I'm not going to tell you because it'll be a fun little surprise for you to find out at the endso sorry if you're expecting me to actually tell you kind of quiz maker would I be if I told you then you would already guess yours and be on your little way but nope you got to take my quiz to find out sorry.

Created by: Nini quiz maker
  1. What's your fav color
  2. Do you have a pet if so what type of not which would you want to have
  3. If you have a pet what food do they eat
  4. which do you like more
  5. What do you do in your free time
  6. Which do you love more
  7. Are you having fun yet if not it's almost over infact this question is about having fun so are you
  8. What is your favorite food
  9. Who do you like more
  10. Which do you like more

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Quiz topic: What animal am I
