The Bored Animal Jam Quiz

Hello, welcome to my quiz! I wanted to create a unique quiz, and I thought, hey, the Animal Jam community is big enough, so why not make a quiz for Animal Jam players who are bored! So, I hope you enjoy this quiz, and figure out if you're bored or not! Good luck!

I love playing Animal Jam, but mostly Play Wild! I could spend hours on it! So, if you're a fan of Animal Jam, this might be the quiz for you! So, good luck, and I hope you get the result you wanted!

Created by: Cupcake
  1. Are you bored?
  2. Are you ever bored on Animal Jam?
  3. Well, let me ask you this: what is your favorite thing to host that doesn't make you bored?
  4. So... If you see someone bullying another jammer, what would you do?
  5. Do you try to get rare on Animal Jam?
  6. Are you still bored?
  7. What're you gonna do after this quiz? (Have you noticed I'm running out of things to say? ( ▽ ) )
  8. Well, um... What's your favorite animal on Animal Jam?
  9. Which Animal Jam game is your favorite?
  10. Well, I am running out of things to ask, things to say. How would you rate this quiz?
  11. Well, byee! Thanks for taking my quiz, and I hoped it helped you!
  12. Okie, have fun on Animal Jam. :p.

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