what age do you act?

This quiz is tested to find the age you act at home or act on the inside!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.have fun doing the quiz read the next paragraph do it go on do it.

You can act at a very different age to your actual age so if you want to know how you act then do the quiz duh !!!!!!!!. have fun with the quiz have a good day.

Created by: lily
  1. how would you describe yourself?
  2. what age are you?
  3. what sort of joke?
  4. can you do cross eyes?
  5. can you fake burp?
  6. what sort of restruant do you prefer?
  7. Would you prefer to fart really loud in a restruant or silent but smelly?
  8. would you cheat on a test at school?
  9. do you zone out when someone is talking about something unimportant to you?
  10. did you lie at some point in this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What age do I act?
