Well I want to be friends with you

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Need a friend? CLICK this! I need a few friends! LOL! You can do it for one time if you see the answer. Or I will get a friend I don’t want. You too. And that would be awful.

Please be nice because this is my first quiz. I am not even a beginner! I’m not sure if you will like it or not. You will probably never see me. I am Chinese.l am from Shanghai. I’m in the third grade.

Created by: Chloe
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What do you want to do
  3. Will you envy my good grade?
  4. Which will you choose?
  5. Choose
  6. Your average grade
  7. Are you kind
  8. Do you like nerds
  9. Bye
  10. Pick

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