Are they really friends?

Hello, do you want to make sure if they are really your friend? Click here. ( not sure if this is a click bait, just try it real quick) a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q q r s t u v w x y z

Not only you will find out if they are a true friend, but you will also win a new friend by the end of this quiz! btw i had to say the alphabet so that i can publish this quiz A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Created by: can tell u YET
  1. How long have you been friends?
  2. Do you enjoy being together?
  3. Are they being sarcastic to you?
  4. Do they act differently around you compared to their other friends?
  5. Do they tell you their secrets?
  6. Btw this is a test, not an actual complete one
  7. I am bored
  8. Wanna be my friend?
  9. The last few questions dont affect your score, but if you agreed to become my friend, can you do me a quick favor?
  10. Can you let me know you wanted to become my friend by send me a specific text on instagram?
  11. I want you to send this: "hello, i had to go to your quiz, and i wanna be your friend"to this account: @roodycutieill be waiting you, im serious

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