Weapon and Power

This is a quiz on what power and weapon you will receive. You will be given 12 questions, and the answers you choose will depend on which weapon and power you get.

You will be asked what would you do in certain situations, how would you do things, and even how you tick as a fighter. Think like a warrior, and see which power you are blessed with!

Created by: DJ Yuzuha
  1. Your foe is an arrogant fool with a bragging problem, and seems to be well-known for his skill.
  2. Your sworn enemy has been defeated, and is now begging for your forgiveness, in spite of everything he's done (he means it).
  3. Hostage situation.
  4. Your phrase before you claim victory
  5. Your battle style
  6. Your foe is very powerful. You're on the ropes, and he's got plenty of energy left in him
  7. What's more important: Fundamentals or the advanced stuff?
  8. What's more important: Offense or defense?
  9. Would you let your foe have the first move?
  10. You're severely injured and the war just took a turn for the worst

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