We'll guess your personality based on your parenting style

The quiz people said to do paragraphs but IDK what to say so the bottom paragraph is going to be a bunch of nonsense, I hope that's OK lmao, and I hope you enjoy my quiz

Banana Oo Nana Pepe Frog Lel Heist Dankyboi Poo Barfbag Boogers POOPOOWEEWEE Cuss Word Song tAcOcAt lelllllllllll BSODA lmfaoooooooooo lel tyvm dont ask ok this paragraph is over

Created by: Chocaholic Mouse
  1. When you bought your house, you....
  2. Your kid's throwing a tantrum in the supermarket. Your reaction:
  3. Your kids are arguing. You:
  4. How old were you when you moved?
  5. How would you describe yourself as a parent?
  6. Age when you got your driving license?
  7. How often do you and your kids go out together?
  8. Fave subject when in school?
  9. Fave music?
  10. Lastly, do you like my quiz?

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Quiz topic: We'll guess my personality based on my parenting style
