Wave's Awesome Stupid Test

Are you stupid? You don't think so? Well, take this quiz and find out. Beware, because you might want waffles afterwards. Well, you might find out you're stupid, you might be really smart! Take this quiz and find out.

There's tons of smart people, and those group of people might include you. Find out in minutes with this quiz. Beware the waffles...They might get you afterwards.

Created by:
Personality Test
  1. If a tree falls in a forest but nobody is around to here it, does it make a sound?
  2. What weighs more? A pound of feathers or a pound of bricks.
  3. If there bread in a cookie jar, is it still a cookie jar?
  4. If you rip up a bag, is it a bag?
  5. You finally have your waffles, now what do you do with them.
  6. Is a tent a tent without the cover?
  7. Do you think you are stupid?
  8. How many planets are there in our solar system?
  9. How many times can you fold a piece of paper?
  10. Is Alaska part of the U.S.?

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