Are You EVIL? >:)

daddy day care is awesome. number 2 looks stupid. i like cheese. this is so stupid. why do i have to type so much! aaaagghh! >:( did you like my quiz. ya thanx! i like it too. i like pizza hut too! cheese pizza is just so delicious! and! yo momma is hidewkr3]q-vn0ugly!

daddy day care is awesome. number 2 looks stupid. i like cheese. this is so stupid. why do i have to type so much! aaaagghh! >:( did you like my quiz. ya thanx! i like it too. i like pizza hut too! cheese pizza is just so delicious!

Created by: Aaron

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who is your favorite "Evil" villian?
  2. Where would your "Evil" home be?
  3. What be your darkest "Evil" power?
  4. What would be your favorite "Evil" weapon?
  5. What "Evil" way of torture or torment would you use upon someone you dreadfully hate?
  6. Why are you taking this quiz?
  7. What is your idea of an "Evil" minion?
  8. What would be your "Evil" nick name?
  9. Would you have an "Evil" pet? If so, what would it be?
  10. What are your "Evil" hobbies?

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Quiz topic: Am I EVIL? >:)