water inflation quiz

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you have been kidnapped for a forced inflation you hope you will be set free soon but you wonder what will happen to you and you body.................

they will try to make you explode but will set you free if you don't so you wonder what you can do to make your self more stretchy....................

Created by: Sandra
  1. you wake up one morning with a water hose in your mouth, what do you do
  2. water flows thru the tube into you stomach
  3. you feel like you will pop, but then your hips and chest bulge out, what do you do.
  4. your belly now extends towards the ceiling and you seem to have turned more femanin, the water still is coming, but your skin is starting to hurt...
  5. you really think you will explode now because you belly chest and hips are starting to turn clear
  6. you hear a squeaking noise and you realize it is your belly rubbing the sides of the she
  7. the shed collapses and every one who was out side can see you, your clothes have long since torn off
  8. your chest and hips join with the rest of you body and you are now a jiggly sphere.
  9. you start to flatten due to the sheer weight of your body, and you notice that all around you are sharp steaks facing you!
  10. finally the water stops and the hose pops out of your mouth

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