Watch someone inflate!

You probably love to be inflated one day right? Being a blimp and inflated to the max! But what if someone your with inflates right in front of you! In here you will be with someone that one day inflates! Will you help them deflate? Or show them how good it is to be inflated?

Have fun with your blimp! I also don’t know what else to put here so I’m going to say random words ok! Inflated bloated puffed up blimp balloon big huge!

Created by: IronHowler
  1. Are you a boy or a girl?
  2. Your walking with a friend of yours when something weird happened, she felt a weird feeling in her belly and she said that she felt a bit bloated, she then noticed her belly was getting bigger! “What’s going on!”
  3. Her belly expands and expands, she try’s to push her belly back in but it pushes right back out becoming bigger then it was before! She falls down on her now inflating butt becoming bigger and bigger too!
  4. She turns around to see her butt inflating, she turns bright red again “not my butt too!”
  5. She try’s to get up but because of her huge belly she can’t! “This is so embarrassing!”
  6. You try to help her up but it doesn’t work, you look at her and see that she is very embarrassed by this, what do you say?
  7. Her body then starts to inflate and take a shape of a balloon! “Oh no! I can’t move!” Now is your chance to show her the ups of being a balloon!
  8. She starts to lighten up and see the ups of being a balloon! She then asks “c-can y-y-you r-roll m-me please... I want to k-know what it’s l-like to be rolled...”
  9. You roll her around in a field and it looks like she is having a fun time! This is good she is Liking being a balloon! What else do you want to do with her?
  10. Some other questions now! If we were taking a walk and I start to inflate, how would you react?
  11. When I’m fully inflated and can’t move what would you do?

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