warriors who am I

There are many cat people, but few true Cat lovers. A cat person is, afterall, quite exceptional. What is a Warrior? A warrior is a wild cat who has an extraordinarily clever mind, is able to solve complex battle problems, and see the world through an entirely different point of view.

Are you a warriors fan? Have you ever read one of their books?! Find out, the website keywords are Erin Hunter Warriors. This shows you the books that she wrote! I would not be surprised if there were about 100! AND SHE IS STILL MAKING MORE!!!

Created by: Tallshadow
  1. You are asked by Tigerclaw's Spirit to kill the deputy of thunderclan, (Your Clan) first you need to kill the deputy, then become the deputy, then kill firestar so you are leader, what do you do?
  2. You are clan deputy, Firestar fully trusts you. Tigerclaw previously told you to conquer thunderclan. What now.
  3. Squirrelflight tells you that "Her Kits" are actually Leafpool's kits, and not to tell any cat!
  4. You have to choose between your clan leader and your brother.(HAWKFROST'S END)
  5. Tigerclaw tells you to kill a cat. (this is in the dreams like Ivypool had) What do you do?
  6. A strange cat on the border tells you her plans and why she is there, she plans to take over you and make you the leader of all clans and rule the Evil Spirits! What do you say?
  7. You see a prophecy about you taking over Firestar's rank by force, what do you do?
  8. A Twoleg cornered Firestar. What do you do?
  9. DOGS IN THE CAMP! WHAT DO YOU DO?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
  10. You are leader, you have the choice to carry out what the weird she cat in your territory said,(Question #5), or Become Tigerstar's link to the modern time clans.

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