Warriors quiz love story for she-cats!

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This image is you. I'm Firestar, and I wrote this on a patch of bare ground near Fourtrees. This is for she-cats only pls! If you're a tom and you try this the answers will be wacky.

You are Echokit/paw/scar. Pls enjoy! Firestar out! Okay filler! Abhnjmk,l,mkynjuhybgtvgbhnjmk,minubyvfcdfvgbhnjmk,lokmujnyhb.g,mknjsdxcfvgbhkjlfsnddms

Created by: Firestar
  1. You open your eyes and the first thing you see is three toms standing over you. One had stripes like a tiger, one was white with a golden ear, and one was dark brown. "Dudes. I just woke up this morning. Maybe later?" "You're cute." one tom said as he licked your eye. "Oh, oops." he sneered as he clawed at your eye. The dark brown tom smacked him away and took you to the medicine den. "I'm Herbkit," he mewed softly to you as you walked with him. "I'm destined to be the medicine cat. That white one with the gold ear is Onekit and the tiger striped one is Tigerkit."
  2. In the medicine den Herbkit was naming the herbs in the den proudly. "Good job!" you say to him. "Thanks. Ravenwing, will you help Echokit?" he answers you before turning to the medicine cat. "Well, you do know all these herbs names and uses. why don't you try?" Herbkit's shined so bright you wondered if he could even see. He got cobwebs and other herbs you would need and got to work.
  3. Once your eye was bandaged up Herbkit helped you back into the nursery. "HAHAHA!!!!!!" Tigerkit said as soon as he saw you. Onekit snickered too.
  4. Tigerkit was still laughing, Onekit still snickering, Herbkit still trying to make you feel better, and your parents walked in. "TIGERKIT!" Goldleap meowed. "ONEKIT!" Leafjoin meowed. "Come with us!" they yowled. Tigerkit went. Then before Onekit went he said "Sorry"
  5. "Umm... Herbkit, I already feel better. You will be a really great medicine cat." You said. "Thanks." he said. Goldleap walked back over with your mom Bigheart. "Apprentice ceremony!" Goldenstar called, already on the Highrock. "Today Echokit will become Echopaw and your mentor will be Darkpool. Tigerkit your Tigerpaw your mentor is Smallfoot. Herbkit you are now Herbpaw and your mentor in Ravenwing. But, do you wish to become a medicine cat?" She called down to Herbpaw. "Yes, Goldenstar." he answered. "Well, Onekit is now Onepaw your mentor will be Snowstone. Bye!"
  6. You're now in the apprentice's den so where do you put your nest?
  7. You go to sleep and when you wake up there is a mountain of toms on you, snoozing away. Your muffled voice called "Training, you lump of toms! Training!"
  8. Darkpool, Snowstone and Smallfoot came in the den and pulled all the toms off you. "Training ya'll!" Darkpool said around a mouthful of tom. (The tom was Tigerpaw) Who do you train with? And what?
  9. Your mentor decides you will battle train with Tigerpaw. What do you think?
  10. Timeskip!!!!! >>> It is your warrior ceremony and you're being named! "Echopaw, you will now be Echoscar. Tigerpaw you're now Tigerhit. Onepaw you're now Onesnow. Herbpaw, You are now Herbwing.
  11. Well, did you like this quiz? These are VERY important to your score. No kidding.

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