Warriors quiz 1

Have you read Warriors before? If you haven't, why did you take this quiz in the first place? And if you want to know, I might make about 5 quizzes for Warriors.

Do you like any cats? Who are you most like? This quiz will tell you who you're most like and if you pay attention you might like another cat you never liked before.

Created by: Emilicious
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have you read Warriors?
  2. Who was your favorite apprentice in ThunderClan?
  3. Who was your favorite Warrior in ThunderClan?
  4. Who was your favorite elder in ThunderClan?
  5. Who was your favorite queen in ThunderClan?
  6. Who was your favorite apprentice in WindClan?
  7. Who was your favorite Warrior in WindClan?
  8. Who was your favorite elder in WindClan?
  9. Who was your favorite queen in WindClan?
  10. Who was your favorite apprentice in RiverClan?
  11. Who was your favorite Warrior in RiverClan?
  12. Who was your favorite queen in RiverClan?
  13. Who was your favorite elder in RiverClan?
  14. Who was your favorite apprentice in ShadowClan?
  15. Who was your favorite Warrior in ShadowClan?
  16. Who was your favorite elder in ShadowClan?
  17. Who was your favorite queen in ShadowClan?
  18. Who was your favorite leader?
  19. Who was your favorite deputy?
  20. Last question, what was your feeling about this quiz?

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