Warriors power of three who are you

You are amazing your rare a real genius somebody who might make history like Einstein I hope you will help make a rocket to Mars or something don't waste time with video games read more and do more

You are very smart make your way to be what you want to be have fun don't waste time read more work hard and do what is right (if you can if you haven't read the newest books their great but I really hope they get their powers back

Created by: Caleb

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What powers would you want
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  4. Brambleclaw orders you to clean the elders Den what do you do
  5. Your starclan ancestor who guides you most is
  6. You see prey of all kinds you Run to get a
  7. What personality do you have
  8. What is your favorite time to hunt
  9. What is your favorite series
  10. What is your favorite time of day

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Quiz topic: Warriors power of three who am I