Living in an ecosystem on Mars

There are many smart people, among those people are you! I think you can change the world. Mars and all!!!!!! Just remember, you have to be willing!

After you take this quiz, you will find out if you can! You posses greatness! If you are willing to take a chance, you could make history, by landing on Mars.

Created by: Brittney
  1. What makes Mars red?
  2. What would we need to live on Mars?
  3. How long would it take to get to Mars?
  4. How many moons does Mars have?
  5. Fill in the blank: Mars is about half the size of _________
  6. What would scientists need to bring a lot of if we lived on Mars?
  7. Mars is the closest planet to __________
  8. Mars gives lots of ________ ______ to Earth
  9. People say ____ come from Mars.
  10. There would be no way to get up to date _____ or ____ from Earth

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