Warriors Love Story: Part 2(by WarriorsLover666)

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This is the second quiz of my love story and Fernpool is now a warrior! You can choose between Streamclaw, Foxtail, Berryleaf or Stormfeather! Berryleaf becomes a traitor, so watch out! The second paragraph is useless

Blah blah blah Blah blah blah. Reminder: This is based off of Warriors:The Game: Gathering Shadows, but with a twist. Remember, please give @fernpool on Scratch a follow! Thanks and I look forward to making the next quiz!

Created by: WarriorsLover666
  1. After fighting with Foxpaw, you head to the apprentice den, knowing that your warrior ceremony was tomorrow.
  2. You heard Emberstar. “Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here below Highrock for a clan meeting! Today, 4 apprentices are ready to become warriors. Fernpaw, Snowpaw, Foxpaw, and Streampaw, step forward. Do you promise to uphold and follow the Warrior Code, even at the cost of your life?”
  3. Then by the power, of StarClan, you will now be known as Snowflower, Foxtail, Streamclaw, and Fernpool! Snowflower, StarClan honors your enthusiasm and bravery. Foxtail, StarClan honors your wisdom and speed. Streamclaw, StarClan honors your battle skill and courage, and Fernpool, StarClan honors your loyalty and compassion. Fernpool! Foxtail! Streamclaw! Snowflower!” Emberstar said. “Fernpool! Foxtail! Streamclaw! Snowflower!” the clan chanted together.
  4. Foxtail comes over and says, “Nice job, Fernpool! You got your warrior name!”
  5. You go over to the fresh-kill pile to eat with Streamclaw, who waves you over. You choose a nice, plump, tasty vole. Just as you are about to take a bite, you find out the vole has deathberries!!!
  6. You decide to tell Whiteberry, the medicine cat. Just as you stepped into the den, you spot Berryleaf with a smile on his face…
  7. Whiteberry and Leopardspot see you and you explain what happened. “Good eye, Fernpool! You would have been dead if you ate this…. Huh? It’s fur! Black fur! Only one cat in the clan has black fur….. Berryleaf! Fernpool, Streamclaw, report this to Emberstar immediately!
  8. You tell this to Embertstar who says, I will exile Berryleaf in a clan meeting tomorrow. “Get Berryleaf, and tell him Whiteberry needs him. I will tell her to tell Berryleaf that he needs to sleep in Whiteberry’s den, and Leopardspot could feed him deathberries while he is asleep. Or, I could just exile him… Fernpool, what do you think?”
  9. If you chose to exile Berryleaf in a clan meeting, the next day, Emberstar called all the cats to Highrock and says, “ThunderClan, I come to you with grave news. Whiteberry and Leopardspot found out that someone had placed deathberries in a vole that Fernpool was about to eat. They found black fur, so I know it is Berryleaf. Berryleaf, come forward.” The clan stares at Berryleaf as he comes to Highrock, distraught. “Berryleaf, you are exiled from ThunderClan! Do not show your face here again. If you are not out by sundown, we will treat you as we would any enemy. Now, go!” Berryleaf exited the camp.
  10. If you chose to have Leopardspot feed him deathberries, continue reading. Else pick, “Didn’t choose this”. While Berryleaf and Whiteberry slept, Leopardspot and Fernpool quietly crept over to Berryleaf and Fernpool whispered, “How many deathberries should we feed him?” “10, but if you want to make him die sooner, add more. Don’t go above 20, though!” Leopardspot said. So, they fed him 10 deathberries.

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