Warriors: Love story :D

Ok this iz a love story #1 ok there will be more idk what else to right ok!! Rcmp buy buoyancy asp poo haste boredness bazam bye bye ok bye bye now

Ok a butyful love story now read it and luv it lol jk its pretty good though so ok Please take more of my quizzes (jayfeather101) and lionblaze223 quizzes mkay bye bye!!! I didnt put real awrsners!!! Lmao

Created by: jayfeather101

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You are a small light gray tabby SHE-CAT! Just informing you your name is what ever you want it to be
  2. You just became a warrior!!!! your name is what ever you want
  3. Bramblestar (ur father) just came and told you to join cloudfur and stormfur for hunting patrol
  4. You go up to who you think is stormfur and cloudfur and you accedintly bump into one "oops" "Ssorry i am cloudfur" hi i am (blank) are yall ready to go on patrol "yes!!" I said fastly ok lets go
  5. You see a squarrl and start stalking it and relize you are cose to the edge of your terriotory and pounce and catch it uh oh a rouge he starts attackingg you!!
  6. Then some one comes out and helps you but you dont know who it is but he smells of your clan!!! Then the rouge runs away and he finally introduces himself "hi i am rowanclaw" i said thanks for saving me i am (blank)
  7. So then cloudfur runs up and says are you ok and licks your ear that got tore rowanclaw gave him dirty looks and yall go back to camp and rouges are attacking the camp
  8. So you see a tom standing over your fathers body and you claw his nose and push him off and the rouges leave oh no your father is losing another life!! Your medicine cat blossomheart comes and looks at everones wounds and stuff!
  9. So we start eating freash kill and cloudfur and rowanclaw tell you to eat with them but you decline and go eat with stormfur and you say hi stormfur but he doesnt reply well his mate died a moon ago (featherheart) and he finally says " do you want to go for a walk when we are done??"

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