Warrior cats! Roles in the Clan!!!

Ok. AH! I’m so excited. I’ve never made a quiz before so I’m hoping I did ok. I LOOVE Warrior cats so much! And it’s awesome! It’s truly awesome ( I took the test and I got medicine cat! I’m very proud! )

Please be honest with your answers. :( I am truly excited and hope to do more things like this more often. So, I’m very curious to see what Role you will play in your clan. :)

Created by: MoonSlayer3162
  1. Are you excited for this quiz?
  2. Personality stuff! Favorite Color?
  3. If you were given a day of what would you spend it doing (as a cat)?
  4. (As a cat) There was a fight between your clan and another! What do you do?
  5. What’s your dream job?
  6. If someone attacks your leader what would you do?
  7. What’s your favorite element?
  8. Gender:
  9. How’s your day been?
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz?

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