Warrior Cats Love Story Part 1 (She-Cats)

Hi! This is a warrior cats love story. You are in a clan called FlowerClan, and you have the opportunity to fall in love with 4 cats. Will you fall in love with handsome Flamepaw? Loyal-to-the-bone Skypaw? Shy Juniperpaw? What about snappy Branchpaw? In this love quiz, you will find out!

I tried my best, this is my first quiz. It would be helpful of you to leave a comment like a suggestion or let me know if you liked the quiz. Enjoy, and I’ll see you soon!

Created by: TessaStarzYT
  1. You open your eyes, blinking to get clearer vision. A cat is standing over you, and a fire-pelted kit bounds over to you. A light gray kit with white patches follows close behind, along with a blue-gray kit. They are all toms. “Wow, she finally opened her eyes!” The orange one mews in excitement. “I’m Flamekit,” he mews. “You must be (Y/N, Your Name)kit! That’s Skykit and Juniperkit.”
  2. “Want me to show you around?” Flamekit offers. “Sure.” You say. He shows you around the camp and comes to the apprentice den. A young apprentice was sleeping there. “That’s Branchpaw, he’s scary,” Flamekit whispers to you. Branchpaw begins to wake up. “Hey!” He snapped. “Go to your own den, lousy kits!”
  3. Flamekit leads you away from Branchpaw. You start playing mossball and invite Skykit and Juniperkit come over and play. Skykit happily joins, and Juniperkit comes over slowly and shyly. The moss all is passed to you. You roll it to:
  4. (Skipping a few moons lol)
  5. “Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join beneath the Petalstone for a clan meeting!” You knew what time it was, you were about to get your apprentice name! “Flamekit, Skykit, Juniperkit, and (Y/N)kit, step forward.” You do so. (Intense ceremony wow I’m lazy) Flamepaw, Skypaw, Juniperpaw, and (Y/N)paw just earned your apprentice names! You cheer:
  6. It’s time to train! You and the other apprentices are sent out to train. “Pick a partner,” Your mentor says to all of you. You pick:
  7. Whoever you pick, your mentor says “You are taking to long, I’ll assign your own groups. Skypaw and Juniperpaw, Flamepaw and Branchpaw, and (Y/N)paw will be with me. Flamepaw gives you a quick glance, as if he’s saying “Help me!” You begin fighting techniques. You:
  8. After you are done, you go back to camp. You are hungry, and haven’t eaten today (you went to train early that morning). You pick a squirrel from the fresh-kill pile and eat it with:
  9. The end for now
  10. Part 2 coming soon!

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