warrior cats love life PART 1 /SHE-CATS ONLY/

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yes. Ravenpaw is how I incorporated Harry Potter into this. yes, the cat in the title is you. Snowpaw. aasdkfjasdkjravenclawalskdjfasdkjadderstrikeawejf


Created by: Freckleface-89
  1. "Wake up Snowkit! Wake up!" you heard Fallingkit, your sister, say. "no. it's to cold" you murmur, speaking the truth. "that's because it's snowing mouse-brain! now come on! mom's letting us and the toms out of the nursery!" you sit upright and the sound of this. *mom letting us outside? with boys? and snow? at a month old?* you get dizzy do to the sudden sitting. next question is the boys!
  2. Willowkit-grey tom with surprising grey eyes. shy and gentlePinekit-russet colored spiky tom. ambitiousRavenkit-siamese with the face of raven wings. always carry's a stickAdderkit. dark brown speckled with light brown and white. always smiling.Snowkit(you) white with grey patches. Fallingkit(your sister). Grey with white patches. the opposite of you.
  3. you walk outside to see the camp covered in white. there was some white dust in the air too. "SNOW!" Pinekit bellowed. rushing past you and your sister and plunging face first into the snow. "EEEK! that is cold!" he said after a little bit. jumping up and rushing back into the nursery. you and Fallingkit just laugh. Ravenpaw came next, holding a short stick that was blunt on one end, and sharp on the other. "nah. i'm good." he said, then went back in the nursery. Willowkit came up, looked outside, then went back in. Adderkit came out and trodded on the snow like it was grass. "come on Mouse-hearts!"(in warrior cats, Mouse-heart means coward) "it's not that cold!" Fallingkit dives in. her white patches barely visible against the white snow. you jump in to. only visibly by your grey patches. you make a ball out of snow and chuck it at Fallingkit, who looks at you and throws one in your face. the other three toms eventually join, and all 6 of you start trying to catch snowflakes
  4. two moons pass, and the snow finally stops. you start feeling warmer in your nest as new-leaf arrives,
  5. one moon later. you decide to have a look at the apprentice den. your mom says fine, but take ONE kit with you. who do you take?
  6. if you chose Fallingkit: Fallingkit was willing to go to the apprentice den. "maybe I'll see Rowanpaw." "do you like him?" you ask teasingly. "NO! he's just the apprentice that I know of, so-" "HELP! ROUGES ARE ATTACKING!"
  7. If you chose Ravenkit: "thanks for taking me and my stick.""your welcome Ravenkit! but, why do you always Cary that stick around?" "It's something I'm obsessed with-" "HELP! ROUGES ARE ATTACKING!"
  8. no matter what you did, the rouges corner you and the other kits. (the toms, you, and Fallingkit.) Duskfeather(your father) comes running out of the deputy den and starts clawing one of the rouges corning you. Ravenkit grabs his stick and starts thrusting the pointy end into of the rouges legs, chasing him away. Pinekit lunged in the face of another rouge, sending it backwards. Willowkit used his small size to slip in between one and bit it's tail, sending it yowling with it's tail between its legs. Fallingkit jumped on you and onto a rouges back. there was one left. you are the youngest of them, and he saw Willowkit trick. you look around and see a moss-ball. you grab the ball and sneakily put a rock in it. you turn around, ready to throw it. the rouge just laughed. "OH! I'm so scared! a kit has a moss-ball!" you throw the ball and it hits him right on the head. he falls down unconscious. who do you go help?
  9. Foxstar jumped on the high rock as soon as the rouges were cleared out of camp. "Today we have 6 kits that fought like warriors. today, they will be named apprentices , despite the fact that 4 moons old!" you gasp! Foxstar was talking about you, your sister, and the toms! "Snowkit, Fallingkit, Willowkit, Pinekit, Ravenkit, and Adderkit, do you promise to uphold the warrior code while you train?" "I do!" you say, excitement running through your veins. "then by the power of starclan, I give you your Apprentice names. Snowpaw. Falling paw. Willowpaw. Pinepaw. Ravenpaw. Adderpaw!" you here the clan shouting you new name. *snowpaw. that's music to my ears* "Aspen! you shall mentor Snowpaw! I hope you pass down you determination! Robinchest! you shall mentor Fallingpaw! I hope you pass down your love! Thunderclaw! you shall mentor Pinepaw! I hope you pass down your strength! Voleheart! you shall mentor Ravenpaw! I hope you pass down your loyalty! Mouse! you shall mentor Adderpaw! I hope you pass down your courage! and Dustfeather! you shall mentor Willowpaw! I hope you pass down you quick thinking! meeting dismissed." Foxstar said, jumping off of high rock, and into his den. who do you…
  10. Aspen walks in front of you and says that it's time to practice hunting before you could congratulate anyone (except for yourself). as you walk out the camp with Aspen's white and black pelt brushing yours, you look to the right and see a black stone with a yellow stripe down the middle. it smelled disgusting. "that's the thunderpath. do-" is all you heard Aspen say before you booked it straight to thunderpath. you heard a roar coming towards you. you look and freeze in fear.
  12. bye! part 2 coming soon! (warrior cats love life PART 2 /SHE-CATS ONLY/)

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