Warrior cat mate quiz - Which cat will your mate be?

This is a quiz that I made about the book, Warrior cats. its a fan fiction, story, mate edition. this asks which mate you will get through a story. I really hope its good!

The characters are... Characters. I can't really tell you because it may spoil things that happen in the story. so I'll just leave you in suspence. please have fun! bye!

Created by: Malice/Ellie
  1. *Your a beautiful apprentice named Hollowpaw, your a she-cat, and have beautiful fluffy fur. your currently sleeping in your den surrounded by your other apprentice friends, Hailpaw, Veilpaw, Claypaw, Bonepaw and Newtpaw. You feel a paw prod you on the shoulder and you wake up. its Hailpaw.* Hailpaw : Hey, Hollowpaw. Want to come on a walk with me? its a beautiful night tonight...
  2. *Hailpaw locks eyes with you, his anger flashing like a snakes venom.* Hailpaw : Fine, you don't have to snap though! *He hisses.* ( This is if you said No to his question )
  3. *You and Hailpaw silently walk into the forest, the air around you thick with misty air.* Hailpaw : Uh.. so... Hollowpaw... your really good at hunting and fighting and stuff... just a thing I noticed. (If you said yes to going on a walk.)
  4. *Hailpaw laughs, flashing another one of his stunning smiles * Hailpaw : Nonsense! and no need to be so surprised, My- Hollowpaw. *He says with meaning laced through his tone.* Your just as good as Leopardclan themselves... *He purrs, leaning forward and brushing his muzzle against yours.*
  5. (If you chose any other option then the last one.) Hailpaw : Your welcome, Hollowpaw. *He brushes his muzzle against yours once more.* Let's get to sleep now. *You both silently pad to your den, curling up in your nests and sleeping.*
  6. (If you chose to run away) Hailpaw : Wait! Hollowpaw! come back! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be so forward! *He shouts as you spring away into the woods and back to tour camp.* I'm sorry! *Eventually your both asleep in your dens, the moment in the forest forgotten by both of you.*
  7. *You wake up in the morning to find your other den mates, Hailpaw, Veilpaw, Clawpaw, Bonepaw And Newtpaw all looking at you.* Claypaw : You missed the sunrise patrol, Hollowpaw. Veilpaw : You slept in! how unfair! I never get to sleep in! Bonepaw : Just make sure to get on the next one. Newtpaw : Yeah, Bonepaws right. if you don't, you will never become a warrior!
  8. *You get back from hunting with the cat you chose, and continue looking for your mentor* Hollowpaw : Yewtail!? Yewtail? *No response. you go to a senior warrior.* Hollowpaw : hey, Birchpelt? have you seen Yewtail. my mentor? *Birchpelt shakes his head.* Birchpelt : Sorry, Hollowpaw. he went out to meet the thunderclan Cats at the border a bit ago. he may still be out.
  9. *Immediately, a large patrol bursts into the camp, all warriors wounded.* Mousepelt : We beat the Thunderclan warriors, but at the cost of three great warriors... *He announced, casting a pitiful glance at Hollowpaw.* Frailnose, Goldendapple and.... and Yewtail.
  10. *Whichever cat you chose wraps you in a hug.* Hailpaw/Kitestar : I'm so sorry...
  11. *The clan tears up and surrounds all their dead clanmates. Yewtails mate, Yarrowmelt, crouches near Yewtail, ushering dewkit and fallowkit away. Kitestar leaps onto high rock.* Kitestar : All old enough to climb any tree, meet beneath the shatters stone for a clan meeting. *He waits patiently as every warrior and apprentice gathers near the tall stone.* Three of our warriors fell honorably in battle today, and they were the mentors of two apprentices. Hollowpaw and Veilpaw. Veilpaw. you will be mentored from now on my Gorseclaw. Hollowpaw, from now on you will be mentored by me.
  12. *Kitestar nods his head.* Yes, I understand all the pain and horror from the deaths of our warriors. but we must continue on! We will sit vigil with them for tonight. meeting dismissed. *he leaps down from highrock.*
  13. *When you wake up from your rest with whichever cat you chose, you pad out of the den and toward your new mentor, Kitestar.* Kitestar : ahey Hollowpaw! ready for training? before what happened yesterday, your mentor suggested your final assessment. so that's what you and your friends will be doing today.
  14. (If you were sad) Kitestar : Hollowpaw, I understand how you feel, but we must move on. I trust that Yewtail is watching your assessment from starclan, make him proud. *You nod, and you and your apprentice images head off into the forest.*
  15. *If you chose happy) Kitestar : You must be sad about Yewtail. and I would be too. when I was young, my mentor, Flynose, was killed when bitten by a fox. my new mentor was Birchpelt. you probably know him. what I'm trying to say is... I understand what your probably feeling.*You nod, and you and your apprentice images head off into the forest.*
  16. *You and your friends split up at a path with your mentors, your mentor approaches you.* Kitestar : Hollowpaw. your task is to catch as many prey as possible before sunset. I will be watching you. remember, use your wits and be back the the Black oak at sunset. *he nods, blushing and looking away before turning back.* I.. believe in you, Hollowpaw.
  17. *You dart through the forest bushes, eventually landing deep inside the Juniper berry bushes lining the edge of your territory. you smell mouse, and do the hunters crouch.*
  18. (If you chose to run to mouse farther away) *You look around from your prey, and realized you leaped over the Thunderclan border! A patrol was heading this way!* Thunderclan patrol : HAang on... I smell Riverclan... *Spots you.* A punny Apprentice! what are you doing on Thunderclan territory?! stealing prey???
  19. (If you walked) *You deeply realize, that you nearly leaped over the river! to Thunderclan territory! you trip and fall into the river, grabbing your prey just in time, and hauling yourself out. your prey was soggy, but its still prey. you go back into the forest.*
  20. *You end up finding much more prey, and your on your way to the Black oak when growling errupts from behind you.*
  21. *ITS A FOX! the fox prowls closer to you, its teeth bared and gleaming, it pounces, pinning you down like prey.*
  22. *If the fox ran into the bushes*: *You glare down at your missing prey, but you consider it enough so you run to the Black oak.*
  23. *If you swipe at its neck* *You manage to catch the Fox's neck, and it falls to the ground in a heap, dead. you proudly decide to take it back to camp as a prize.*
  24. *On your way back to the black oak.* Hollowpaw : Woah... *A dead, small fox was caught in some sort of trap. you decide to get it out and take it to the oak, pretending you caught it! (This was if you didn't kill the fox. otherwise, do nothing.)*
  25. *You end up at the black oak, carrying your catch and the fox!* Kitestar : Hollowpaw, you were nearly la- *He and the other apprentices gaze at the fox.* Everyone : YOU caught a FOX?!?
  26. Kitestar : Well.... wow. I've spoken with all your mentors, and it comes across that you all can be made warriors! today! the clan will be well fed tonight. *The walk back to camp and Kitestar leaps onto high rock.* Kitestar : All cats old enough to catch the prey in the forest, meet beneath Silverpelt to hear my words!
  27. Kitestar : Today, six apprentices will become warriors! Hailpaw, Hollowpaw, Claypaw, Veilpaw, Bonepaw and Newtpaw! step forward! Do you accept to withhold the warrior code, to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?
  28. Kitestar : Then by the powers of starclan, I give you your warrior names. from this moment on, Hailpaw, you shall be known as Hailclaw. Starclan honors you courage and bravery and we welcome you as a warrior of Skyclan.
  29. Claypaw, you shall be known as Claycharm! starclan honors you honesty and kindness and I welcome you a dull warrior of skyclan!
  30. Veilpaw, you shall be known as Veilsight! starclan honors you loyalty and battle skills, and I welcome you as a full warrior of Skyclan!
  31. Bonepaw, you shall be known as Bonetooth. starclan honors your strength and bravery, and I welcome you as a full warrior of Skyclan!
  32. Newtpaw, you shall be known as Newtwisker! starclan honors your wisdom and insight, and I welcome you a full warrior of Skyclan!
  33. And finally Hollowpaw. *Kitestar says* Hollowpaw. from this moment on, you shall be known as Hollowpath. starclan honors you fierceness in battle, and your protectiveness of your clan, and I welcome you as a full warrior of Skyclan!
  34. Kitestar : Tonight you will start your vigil whist we sleep. you have one minute before your vigil starts. *All the apprentices surround you.* They all speak, their sounds jumbled together. : Hey.. Hollowpa-Hollowpath. may I ask you something? :Will you me my mate? *They all ask at once, then starts hissing at each other.
  36. More or less?
  37. Now after this question, some stuff will pop up. have fun!!!

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Quiz topic: Warrior cat mate quiz - Which cat will Ir mate be?
