Warrior Cat Love Story Part 2

In this quiz you will be living the life of an Eclipseclan she-chat apprentice and will have to find out who her true love is. Either it'll be the sweet and caring Bearpaw, the strong Badgerpaw, the mysterious Vemonpaw, the confident Redfang, the clumsy Greywhisker, or the Oceanclan cat Pebblepaw. Find out in this Part 2 warrior cat love story.

Welcome to my Part 2 of warrior cat love story quiz, if you haven't taken part 1 yet I suggest taking it or you'll probably be confused. I tried to put a link but that didn't work, sorry.

Created by: Breezeshade
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Hoi welcome to my part 2 of warrior cat love story, so last time we left off is when Bearpaw was badly wounded and you and Redfang had to carry him back to camp.
  2. You finally entered the camp and began to head for the medicine cat den. "Oh my what happened!?" Gingertail the medicine cat gasped as she saw all of you walk in. "Fox attack."Amberfur growled through gritted teeth as she laid Lightwhisker on some moss. Vemonpaw who wasn't that injured meowed. "Should I go tell Cavernstar about what happened?" "Yes please." Duskmoon answered. As Vemonpaw began to pad out a flash of grey and white fur rammed into him and knocked him over. "Hey!" He hissed as he recovered and go to his paws. "Err sorry,"You noticed its the cat that ran into you earlier. "I didn't see you there." Vemonpaw didn't say anything just walked off to the leaders den. The grey tom entered the medic den."Is everyone okay?I saw you all enter the camp all beat up and stuff." "We're okay, thanks Greywhisker." Greywhisker nodded and looked over at you. "Oh its you, sorry about before as you can see I'm not that great on my paws." You..
  3. Once Gingertail was done with everyone she padded to where Lightwhisker and Bearpaw laid unconscious. Gingertail began gathering more cobwebs and horsetail for their wounds. Once she was finished she turned and meowed,"Could everyone please leave the den, I'll call you all back in once I'm finished." "Okay," Redfang replied, he waved his tail for everyone to follow and padded out. As you got out thoughts we're going through your mind.
  4. ~Timeskip~ You hear a shriek from the medicine den and you quickly get to your paws and run out of the apprentice den, Badgerpaw close to your side you both head quickly to the medic den. You gasp when you see both Gingertail and Lightwhisker dead on the ground a combined pool of blood around them. You turn around and see Cavernstar running fast to the den her fur bristled. You look around for Bearpaw and you sigh with relief when you see him in a whole in the rocky wall, struggling to get out. Leafwhisker and Duskmoon both go up to him and help him get out. Cavernstar growled "Don't stand there help get these two to the clearing." Amberfur goes up to help Cavernstar with Leafwhisker while Redfang and Icegaze hurriedly pick up Gingertail and bring her out to the clearing. Once they were out, Cavernstar padded and headed for Bearpaw who was getting leaning on Leafwhisker's shoulder for support. "Bearpaw, do you know or remember what happened?"Cavernstar meowed. "Err no, I don't remember sorry." He answered groggily. "That's okay I don't expect a full answer at the momment."She sighed. "Everyone lets get out of here."She turned to Leafwhisker. "Are you okay carrying him or do you need help?" "I'm alright."Leafwhisker answered. "I can always help if needed."Duskmoon added. "Alright, lets go, everyone out."Cavernstar waved her tail for everyone to follow. You were at the rear of the group when all of a sudden you caught a strange but familiar scent. You stop and look around, waiting for everyone to leave you began to investigate when you hear a deep meow and a figure appear in the shadows. "Why, hello there."You realized what the scent is, its Oceanclan!"Who are you, what do you want?" You growled as you unleashed your claws. "Nothing, well not now that is."The cat answered as they began to step out of the shadows. You notice that the cat is an all grey tom with dullish yellow eyes, he looks young so you expect that he's an apprentice like you. You also notice red blood stains on his paws. "You,you killed them!"You hissed. "Yea, and what are you going to do about it?"He growled with a smirk. You were about to reply when another cat's voice interrupted you. "Echopaw?Are you alright?Cavernstar doesn't want anyone in the medicine den." As the voice got closer the grey tom then ran off and disappeared. You turn around and see
  5. Once you turn around you spot Badgerpaw. "Ya, I'm alright."You answered. "You sure 'cause you look a bit spooked."I'm okay."You answered again. He padded closer to you and pressed his nose in your fur. "Alright."He replied but didn't sound convinced. You then see Vemonpaw outside."You guys know Cavernstar doesn't want anyone in the medicine den?""Yes we know we were just-" Badgerpaw was cut off by Cavernstar's yowl."All cats gather around the Fallen Tree ( couldn't think of anything else) for an important announcement!""Here we go."You hear Vemonpaw huff and the three of you padded out and joined everyone near the Fallen Tree. You chose to sit near
  6. "As you all know Lightwhisker, our deputy was killed and so was Gingertail.Tonight we will sit vigil for them and wish that they are happier in Starclan. But,"Cavernstar waited for all the cats who weren't there and didn't ntoice the dead bodies in the clearing ( for some reason) to calm down. "I have to pick a new deputy and the cat who I shall be choosing is.." she again waited for the talking to quiet down."Redfang, Redfang will be the new deputy." "Redfang! Redfang!" All the cats yowled and chanted his name. You notice him looking a bit embarrassed but cheerful at the same time. "Thank you Cavernstar." He dipped his head. You're feeling
  7. "Clan dismissed!" Cavernstar yowled as she leaped off the log. You rose to your paws and started to walk to the prey pile to get yourself something. On your way you hear someone call you, "Hey Echopaw!" You turned around and see Greywhisker sitting not to far off with a rabbit near his paws."Want to share this?"He asked. You spot Bearpaw,Badgerpaw,Vemonpaw, and Redfang close by looking at Greywhisker, their eyes burning into his pelt. Greywhisker doesn't seem to notice and meows. "So....?" "Oh umm.. "You answer
  8. Once you finished eating, you went to where Gingertail and Lightwhisker were and sat down for the vigil. You weren't really thinking about them or saying anything you were thinking about..
  9. After the long vigil the elders came and took away Lightwhisker and Gingertail. You entered the apprentice den to get some rest. Once you entered you see Vemonpaw, Badgerpaw and Bearpaw ( since the medic is dead he's back in the apprentice den but off his duties ) talking. "I wonder who the next medicine cat will be." Badgerpaw said. "Yea I still need to be healed, I want to get back training."Bearpaw meowed. You feel a paw crush your tail. "Ouch!" You growl as you turn you spot Sugarpaw. "Sowwie."She apologized. Then she went to her nest and plopped down and fell asleep. "I'm goin' to sleep now."Vemonpaw said as he curled up on a free nest. The other two went to a nest as well, you notice a free nest by all of them, you chose to sleep by
  10. "Echopaw, Echopaw, WAKE UP!!" You jolt awake and see Vemonpaw near your nest. "Redfang wants us you to join his hunting patrol." "Okay.." You begin to wake up a bit more and get to your paws. "Come on, we're about to leave."Vemonpaw meowed nudging you out of the den. "I can walk." You meowed, thinking *Did he and Badgerpaw switch personalities* ( random thing to think about I know :I )You both run to join the patrol. "You made it finally." Badgerpaw meowed as he saw you. "Lets go." Redfang said as he waved his tail for the cats to follow him. You begin to walk with
  11. "Here's a good place to hunt."Redfang says as he stops in a meadow like area. You pick up a scent of mouse nearby and began to follow it. Once you spotted it you got ready to pounce when you hear a branch break and the mouse startled, ran off. You hissed with annoyance and hear a vaguely familiar sarcastic voice. "I'm sorry did I scare your prey off?" You turn around to where the sound came from and see the grey Oceanclan cat from before appear. "You."You hissed. "Me."He meowed sarcastically. "Who are you..?" You asked."The names Pebblepaw." He answered. "And you?" "I'm Echopaw."You replied cautiously."Nice to meet you Echopaw."He said. "You too..."You muttered. "Well I have to go, see you again I guess, bye."He called out after he ran off. You pad off and go back hunting. ~Timeskip~ You get back to camp with two mice and a shrew. You can't help but think about Pebblepaw. "Why can't I keep him out of my head?" You growled silently to yourself. You're thinking..
  12. Well Im going to end it here, I'll try to make part 3 asap but I wouldn't count on it. I hope you liked it I spent like 4 ish hours... but mostly I just stared at the screen listening to music o3o. Cya

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