Value of Life Quiz

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This quiz is intended to evaluate to what extent you value the quality of life versus the quantity of human life at any one time. If your score is higher you are more likely to value quantity more.

This may inadvertently expose how Religiously conservative you are. Or else to what degree you believe keeping people alive improves the quality of life. This quiz does not evaluate to what degree you are utilitarian, as a utilitarian could argue that if you are dead you are unhappy as opposed to if you are living unhappily exclusively.

Created by: Roh Tae Woo
  1. Are you in favor for the death penalty
  2. When should abortion be allowed?
  3. Should Euthanasia be illegal?
  4. Should Assisted Suicide be legal?
  5. Should Suicide be legal?
  6. The state should have the right to enforce abortions
  7. Suicide is sometimes the right choice for people who have no chance for a better life.
  8. It is sometimes the right choice to assasinate and or execute foreign leaders who are mass murderers.
  9. It is sometimes right for starving mothers to kill their newly born children in order to save the lives of the rest of their family.
  10. it is sometimes right to kill traitors in the army.
  11. I am in favor of do not resuscitate papers in hospitals. (Do not revive patients once they die)
  12. Self harm is a sin.
  13. I am in favor of stem cell research using discarded fetuses
  14. Human life has inherent value
  15. Any form of killing your population when it does not save more people than it kills is not justified.

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