do you know anything?

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this quiz is a general knowledge quiz made to weed out the people who have been learning from life and living it to the fullest extent from those who know so little about life.

those of you that pass this quiz are in life. those of you who do not know enough to pass this quiz know nothing and have a lot of work before you can be considered to know anything.Are you brave enough to take this quiz?

Created by: Zoe
  1. what are the three main branches of government
  2. how many types of shark are their?
  3. what is the nickname of California?
  4. is a lawyer the same thing as an attorney?
  5. what is the largest bird in the world?
  6. true or false their are more than 25 different types of lawyers
  7. true or false supreme court justices are appointed by congress for a life tenure
  8. how many years has the US been around ?
  9. why is the sky blue?
  10. which of these are not things a plant needs to survive
  11. why is a parrot fish called that?
  12. which planets in our solar system have rings?
  13. the first three presidents were :
  14. who wrote the wizard of oz ?
  15. inside a humans cells their is rna true or false
  16. which of these is not a form of government?
  17. which of these is a fruit?
  18. true or false: the president is the legislative branch
  19. is a whelk animal, plant, or mineral?
  20. is there such a thing as a video game lawyer?
  21. which constitutional amendment has the right to free speech?

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Quiz topic: Do I know anything?
