Using diapers as adult

Welcome to this quiz I made about adults using diapers! Here you can answer some questions about the topic, don't worry, I won't tease you, leave a memorable diaper changing story at the comments!

My story: About 5 years ago, when I was 12, I was with my mom at the shopping mall, it wasn't a busy day, there were too many people!. After we did some shopping, we were hungry so we went to the food are where there are many food places, (Carl's Jr., Subway, etc.) and my mom forgot to change my diaper at home and I told her. So she took me to the public restroom, and she put me at the diaper changing "bed" that is sustained with an elevation of the floor. And when I was took off my diaper, a girl that looked like of 13, came in, and told her mom that it was time to get her diaper changed. and I told my mom I wanted to pee, and I went to a stall, but when I was about to close the door, the girl also wanted to pee, and as the other stalls were locked, she told her mom that if she could enter with me, and she and my mom said ok. And I peed there like for 30 seconds with her in the stall, and she was looking at me, when I finished, she peed next, like for 3 minutes!, she told me to not leave and stay there, she said I could look, and I did. By the meanwhile we were talking a bit. After that we both went out bottomless and we got our diapers changed at the same time, as it was for two people. and I said it wasn't a problem if she was next to me. And we ate at the same table, since then she is my best friend.

Created by: Sophia
  1. What is your gender?
  2. Do you use diapers?
  3. When do you use them?
  4. Do your friends use diapers?
  5. Who changes you?
  6. Do you wet the bed!
  7. Would you like to leave diaper changing stories at the comments? Either as a kid or adult?
  8. Did you enjoy the poll?
  9. How was it?
  10. Bye!

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