Upside Down Magic (film) Character Quiz

Ever seen Upside-Down Magic? Well if not keep this tab open, go watch it, and come back. Ok. Now, without further ado.. I will ask you about each character--

AND REVEAL WHICH CHARACTER YOU ARE MOST LIKE!! Cool, huh? You could get a UDM kid, Reina, or *gasp* CHANDRA?! Well, according to a theory, she's not all bad.. Anyhoo, let's take this quiz!

Created by: MagixPuppii
  1. What type of magic do you have?
  2. What's the coolest thing about Sage Academy?
  3. Would you rather be Chandra or Reina?
  4. Do you ship Nory x Andres?
  5. Who do you think Chandra will target next?
  6. Do you ship Nory x Reina?
  7. Do you think Reina hates Chandra?
  8. Is Chandra a pawn in an eviler person's game? Do you believe that theory?
  9. Have you read the books?
  10. Goodbye.

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