Ultimate Royale High Quiz

Welcome to the Ultimate Royale High Quiz!! Here youll find the Ultimate Royale High quiz to test your knowledge for this magical game, Hope you enjoy!

How well do you know this magical school and realms, classes, and creatures it has, Focus Really Hard to get these right, and make sure to follow me on roblox thx

Created by: Sophia
  1. How many diamonds are in a red diamond?
  2. How do you get badges in Royale High?
  3. Is it possible to flood your apartment?
  4. Who is the creator?
  5. What is the new event called in 2022?
  6. Who has the highest level in Royale High
  7. What year was Royale High created?
  8. How many diamonds do you get when you log in to your computer forten days in a row?
  9. How do you finish PE?
  10. What level do you have to be at in order to trade/
  11. What do you get for popping bubbles?

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