Ultimate Harry Potter Quiz 2

Do you think you're a Harry Potter Knowledge Master? Can you take on my Ultimate Harry Potter Quiz 2? Can you earn the title Harry Potter Mastermind??

The Harry Potter Mastermind Ultimate Quiz 2 puts your brainpower to the test. Can you answer really, really, really, really hard questions that only few know?

Created by: Molly

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who plays Cornelius Fudge in the films?
  2. How many times does Ginny Weasley speak?
  3. Which of these isn't a real HP Character
  4. Who didn't go to the DA, other than Malfoy etc.?
  5. Who sings the song 'A Cauldron Full Of Hot, Strong Love'?
  6. Who has never said 'Harry'?
  7. Who has never killed anybody/anything?
  8. Which of these was not a HP Animal?
  9. What were the first two words in book 6 and book 7?
  10. How many spells begin with Z?

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