Ultimate Doctor Who Quiz

In all of time and space there hasn't been any quiz that wasn't important. Let alone a Doctor Who Quiz! Discover for yourself whether you are worthy to be a companion

This Quiz will give you a perspective on where you stand in the universe. You may also discover something new. Find out only by taking this quiz of Awesomeness

Created by: Cameron Patterson

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. In what year do we first see Donna Noble?
  2. In what episode did Sarah Jane Smith depart from The Fourth Doctor
  3. Who played Grace Holloway in the 1996 movie "Doctor Who"
  4. What Harry Potter spell was mentioned to defeat The Carrionites in "The Shakespeare Code"
  5. In "death in Heaven", Osgood is seen wearing to notable items of clothing from two different doctor's. What were the clothes worn
  6. So far (2015) there have been three Scottish Actors who have played The Doctor. David Tennant, Peter Capaldi and who else?
  7. What was the cause of The Eleventh Doctor's regeneration?
  8. When The Twelfth Doctor crash landed in Victorian London, what did he bring with him through The Time Vortex?
  9. Which Doctor said this: Stop This! You're making me giddy!
  10. Before Matt Smith, who was the youngest actor to ever play The Doctor?
  11. Before Matt Smith, who was the youngest actor to ever play The Doctor?
  12. Who was The Fourth Doctor battling which caused his regeneration?
  13. Which of these isn't a member of The Cult of Skaro?
  14. How many lives/faces does an average Time Lord have?

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