The Ultimate Doctor Who Quiz

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There are a lot of Doctor Who quizzes out there. It's hard to find ones that are even marginally challenging. And even then, it's hard to find ones that have correct answers. This quiz is what you have been looking for.

Are you a true fan? Because New Series knowledge will only get you so far in this will need to know things about every Doctor, and be ready to know about any companion...are you ready?

Created by: Aimee
  1. Who came up with the name 'TARDIS'?
  2. In which serial was the Fourth Doctor first seen with his burgundy scarf instead of his usual multi-coloured one?
  3. What did the Weeping Angels used to be called?
  4. What was the name of Rose Tyler's younger brother?
  5. Where was Martha Jones' brother Leo when the rest of their family were being captured by Harold Saxon's government?
  6. Who was the President of Gallifrey at the start of the Time War?
  7. Which companion liked janis thorns?
  8. Where did the Cybermen originate?
  9. Who was the only Doctor to have a role in the show prior to becoming the Doctor?
  10. What was Donna Noble's father called?
  11. What is River Song's birth name?
  12. Who was the first American companion?
  13. Shakespeare wrote a play about the romantic Ancient Greek tale of Trolius and which companion?
  14. The longest serving actor to the play the Doctor was/is?
  15. What significant event took place between the Classic and Revived series of Doctor Who?
  16. Who was the prosecutor against the Doctor in 'Trial of a Time Lord'?
  17. Where did Captain Jack Harkness grow up?
  18. Who is the only Australian companion?
  19. The first female to regenerate on screen was?
  20. What was the first alien creature Sarah Jane Smith encountered?
  21. Which of these companions was NOT present at one of the Doctor's regenerations?
  22. Which Doctor attempted to strangle his companion after regeneration?
  23. Harriet Jones died at the hands of what alien?
  24. Who was the first person to play the Master?
  25. What was the Doctor's nickname in college?
  26. Liz Shaw was companion to which Doctor?
  27. Gallifrey was located in which constellation?
  28. Who was the renegade Time Lord responsible for the Sixth Doctor's regeneration?
  29. What was the first thing the Eighth Doctor did once he remembered who he was?
  30. The Third Doctor's car was called what?
  31. Who exclaimed 'The Evil One!' the moment they saw the Doctor?

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