UK: Monarchy or Republic PT:2

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Pride or parasite? The British Monarchy today now remains one of the most controversial institutions in Britain. This test will help you figure out if you are a Republican or a Monarchist?

This test is made purely for entertainment purposes. The creator has no bias placed into this test in an effort to make it as accurate as possible. I hope you enjoy!

Created by: George
  1. Should the Uk have a state religion?
  2. Would you consider yourself Progressive or a Traditionalist?
  3. Do you personally Like King Charles?
  4. Was the Late Queen a good monarch?
  5. Should the Monarch be State Funded?
  6. Will the UK ever become a Republic?
  7. Which political party do you support?
  8. These are the Top 5 most popular members of the royal family.Which one do you like the most
  9. Is Abolishing the Monarchy a…..
  10. Are there benefits to having a monarchy?
  11. Will Prince George ever become king?
  12. How did you vote in the Brexit referendum?
  13. Are you a Republican or Monarchist?

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