tsundere or yandere?

find out your true dere but no kundere's or danderes maybe some other time but please enjoy this it is my first quiz please dont hate on me and thanks

a few jokes about jeff the killer are here so dont feel sad but yeah thank you if you liked commented or shared! im sorry if you dont like results but retake it if you want!

Created by: helena
  1. if somebody talked to your senpai what whould you do?
  2. if your bff dated your senpai what would you do?
  3. im sorry if you hate this question but fav color
  4. weapon of choice?
  5. uhhh .....
  6. fav creepypasta i guess?
  7. Uhh who do your rather osana ,ayano,senpai,kokona or me?
  8. 3 more questions will you like comment and share?
  9. do you think ur tsundere or yandere?
  10. the last question is ....what you want me to do next A: dose jeff the killer love you quiz B: shy or mean quiz C: are you goth or girly

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