Try to get a 80 a least

We'll I guess your wanting to hit the 80 huh well good luck and try your best if you do awesome then you are awesome and congrats! If u get a 70 still Thts good

Well I hope u hade the geniuses you right now and temeber awlays try your best ok we'll I hope you aced this quiz and if you got a 0 then you really need to study like a lot we'll goodbye

Created by: Michael
  1. What country made soccer
  2. 15/20•3/4
  3. 5+[5•3]-10
  4. How do u spell this word
  5. How do u spell this word
  6. Is it true there's a shoe called Capps
  7. Which country is bigger Eritrea or Libya
  8. What year did FDR become president
  9. What year did George Washington become president ps: this 1 should be easy
  10. What year were the Olympics first held in Latin America

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