People that know me are awesome! are you one of them? you should be...;) take this quiz to find out if you do or just guess! whatever works for you! good luck! that didn't make any sense because i don't know what to put in this box

People that know me are awesome! are you one of them? you should be...;) take this quiz to find out if you do or just guess! whatever works for you! good luck! that didn't make any sense because i don't know what to put in this box

Created by: Courtney
  1. --->What's my Middle Name?
  2. --->What college am i going to next year?
  3. --->What's my favorite color?
  4. --->Where do i want to live?
  5. --->When's the first time i got completely wasted?
  6. --->How many guys have i actually had serious feelings for?
  7. --->How many piercings do i have in my left ear?
  8. --->What do i want to be my major in college?
  9. --->Do i smoke pot?
  10. --->What color is my hair NATURALLY?
  11. --->What's my cell phone number?
  12. --->What's my favorite sport?
  13. --->What's my favorite football team?
  14. --->Did i ever have braces?
  15. --->When's my birthday?

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Quiz topic: Do I KNOW ME?!