How Well Do You Know Lauren

this quiz is for those people who really and truly love me. if u think u know me, or know a lot of stuff about me, then test it and see how u do. maybe u'll learn something about me u didn't know.

so try ur luck and see how u do. i'm excited to see how well u people know me! and if u didn't do so good on this one, then maybe u'll have better luck on the next one.

Created by: lauren

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is my favorite type of animal?
  2. who is the love of my life that i will marry someday?
  3. what grade did i start wearing contacts in?
  4. what is my favorite flavor for candy, smoothies, etc, but i hate the actual thing itself?
  5. what school did i go to for 8 years?
  6. what is my nickname for my little brother spencer?
  7. whats my favorite thing about a guy that i think is really hot?
  8. what is the name of the friend i have known the longest?
  9. when is my birthday?
  10. what two nationalities am i?
  11. last question...what am i deathly afraid of?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Lauren