Truth Or Dare Quiz

This is no ordinary truth or dare quiz. It’s got a storyline to it, too. Here it is: Y/N L/N lived a normal life until s/he got into a car accident that removed her/his left arm.

Now, Y/N has barely any memories and a dead family, killed by the accident. When Y/N finds a room full of past friends who want to play truth or dare, s/he accepts the offer..

Created by: DystopiaMadness
  1. You enter the room, and everybody is staring at you. Faces that once meant something to you, but now you can’t match names to faces. They tell you you’re playing truth or dare. The boy in the green shirt asks, “Truth or dare, Y/N?”
  2. If you chose truth: “Y/N, who is your crush?”
  3. If you chose dare: “I dare you to kiss someone here.”
  4. The boy in the yellow shirt asks, “Y/N, truth or dare.”
  5. If you chose truth: “Y/N, who do you want to kill?”
  6. If you chose dare: “Y/N, I dare you to tell us if you know what’s going on here.”
  7. The group tells you that this is all a test, that it’s to see how stubborn and persistent you are, that this is happening after you lost your memory in the accident.
  8. For the last question, the shirtless boy asks you truth or dare.
  9. If you chose truth: “Will you be mad if I tell you you are 100 percent persistent?”
  10. If you chose dare: “I dare you to, ah, “do it” with Jason”- he points towards the boy in the green shirt- “but if not, it’s fine, we know we are asking a lot of you.”
  11. The boys hand you a paper that says Persistency Results on it. Will you read it?

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