True minecraft player

There are many people who play minecraft, take this quiz to see how good you really are at it! Minecraft is a game that teaches you how to build stuff like houses, farms,ect. Hope you do good!

Have you played minecraft before? If you have you have a pretty good chance of scoring over 17 precent! I hope you get a good score in this good quiz!

Created by: Gwen

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How many spaces are there in a crafting table?
  2. In 1.8.1 do sheep drop meet
  3. Do baby mooshrooms have mushrooms
  4. Is there such thing as stone aurmor
  5. Is there a lucky block mod?
  6. do creepers make babies?
  7. do redstone torches burn out in rain?
  8. How about normal ones?
  9. are there turtles in minecraft?
  10. are there bookshelves in minecraft?
  11. do enderman like water?
  12. Is there an i podmod?
  13. Last quistion: can pigs fly

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