True Love or Naw

There are many smart intelligent people are you one of them well i you are then you are also a genius. What is a genius? Well a genius is someone who has an extraordinarily clever mind.

Are You intelligent? Do you have the brainpower and courage to be who you want to be? Do you pay attention in class? Well if you do then you truly are an intelligent person.

Created by: Iyana Blake

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Does the person that you like know that you like him/her?
  2. Does the person that you like also like you?
  3. Are you in love with this person or naw?
  4. How do you feel when your next to your crush?
  5. Does your crush have a Boyfriend/Girlfriend?
  6. Do you have your crushes phone number?
  7. Are you guys best friends?
  8. Do you ever think about him/her?
  9. Do you ever think about asking your crush out?
  10. Do you and your crush talk out side of school?

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