This is a quiz regarding which GOP candidate you are most like. Note: Just because you agree with candidate A does not mean you should support that candidate. This isn't meant to be the deciding factor in who to endorse. It's just for fun.

I'm low key just trying to take up space because this dumb website makes us have over a certain number of letters just take the test please but you should stop reading this.

Created by: Stephen
  1. Do you support a minimum wage?
  2. Consumption tax or nah?
  3. Who did you support in the 2044 Republican Primary
  4. Stance on abortion?
  5. Stance on second amendment?
  6. Should we decrease, increase, or keep the military budget the same at 500 Billion?
  7. Should we increase, decrease, or keep the welfare budget?
  8. Should we always have a balanced budget?
  9. Who did you support for the GOP nomination of these candidates?
  10. NeverTrump, Only Trump, or Settle for Trump?
  11. Do you think the admin council oversteps their boundaries often?
  12. what is your ideology that best suits you?
  13. What is most important to you in a candidate of these choices?
  14. Should we cut foreign aid?
  15. Do you support a border wall in the southern border?

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