2012 Presidential Candidate Selector

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There are a lot of candidates running for the 2012 Presidential election but which one is right for you. Do you already know? Take this quiz and find out.

Who will you get? A Republican? Obama? Someone who dropped out? Now you may know with this quiz who is the right candidate out of them all who is right for you.

Created by: Defero Populus
When Will I Die Test
  1. When you think about the US budget deficit, which of the following solutions is closest to your opinion?
  2. When you think about America's energy needs, which of the following solutions comes closest to your opinion?
  3. When you think about healthcare reform in the United States, which of the following solutions is closest to your opinion?
  4. When you think about illegal immigration, which of the following solutions come closest to your opinion?
  5. When you think about the US pursuing its interests abroad, which of the following is closest to your opinion?
  6. When you think about education in the US, which of the following is closest to your opinion?
  7. When you think about the rights of same-sex couples, which of the following is closest to your personal opinion?
  8. Which of the following comes closest to your personal opinion about the environment?
  9. Which of the following statements comes closest to your personal view about Reform?
  10. What experience is most important to you in a presidential candidate?

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