To ItsYaboiiTrem

Hey hi trem I’m making a quiz about you obviously anyway you should be friends with me I’ll be actually nice the only thing that’s stopping me from being friends with anyone is THE MODS THEY WONT UNDERSTAND AND THEY WONT ACCEPT MY APOLOGIES NO MATTER WHAT so I if you were nice to me I’ll be nice to you I know your gonna say ‘but I AM nice to you!’ Or something like that but just give me another chance please
It would make me so happy if you gave me another chance I’m just trying to be nicer to people but I keep thinking ‘hey I’m already banned I’ll just be ruder’ but I just that’s my problem so I’m sorry please forgive me and if not i totally understand I’ve been out of line just give it a little time so I’m sorry I’ll just be nicer so uhm please forgive me